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Learn to Code with Python 3!
Introduction and Setup
Introduction (3:15)
Why is Python 3 worth learning? (4:19)
Installing Python 3 on Windows (7:58)
Installing Python 3 on Ubuntu and Mac (8:15)
Taking a closer look at Python 3 IDLE (4:58)
Python Programming Basics
Math operators (12:04)
Strings (8:24)
Variables and variable naming rules (10:56)
Our first program (11:34)
Type, len, str, int, float, functions (9:09)
True or false Boolean (9:31)
If-statement (4:59)
If and else (12:55)
Using elif for multiple statements (9:15)
While loop (15:34)
Infinite loops with break (6:29)
Using continue in a loop (5:32)
For loop (9:47)
Importing Python libraries (12:16)
Functions - Coding Exercises
Defining functions in Python 3 (15:17)
Local and global variables (10:08)
Coding guess the number program (16:23)
Reverse a string function (6:47)
Calculate area of a circle program (10:39)
Simple Python calculator (15:20)
Removing vowels from string program (12:56)
Find the largest number out of three (16:03)
Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
Python lists (14:35)
Creating smaller lists out of a bigger one (8:50)
Manipulating lists and elements (7:50)
Append, insert, remove, sort (10:50)
Tuples (13:00)
Introduction to dictionaries (10:29)
Values, keys, items, get (7:36)
Dictionary comprehension part 1 (8:02)
Dictionary comprehension part 2 (7:04)
Advanced string manipulation (12:07)
Upper, lower, isupper, islower (8:59)
Split, strip, join, startswith, endswith (13:19)
Files in Python 3
Navigating through system with OS library (29:18)
Reading and writing to files (15:41)
Reversing text from a file (17:17)
Error Handling
Try and except (12:36)
Try and finally (15:29)
Object Oriented Programming
Classes (21:40)
Changing class attributes (10:00)
Built in class attributes (7:55)
Using your class in a different program (4:29)
Using your class in a program (25:38)
Implementing students count option (5:10)
Class inheritance (12:19)
Overriding methods in a class (7:44)
Date & Time
Printing and calculating date and time (29:52)
Different date formats (9:02)
Regular Expressions
Extracting useful data (23:08)
Regex part 1 (23:26)
Regex part 2 (16:39)
Interacting with HTTP
Performing HTTP GET requests (19:40)
Performing POST requests (3:41)
Handling website redirections (3:09)
Beautiful Soup (29:09)
Encoding in requests (11:29)
Session objects and cookies (20:58)
SSL certificate, authentication, etc. (20:57)
JSON library and proxies (21:19)
Networking in Python 3
Socket terminology (9:18)
Connecting two machines (21:26)
Coding a chat program (34:52)
Socket timeout and options (8:25)
UDP server and client (13:05)
AF_UNIX and raw_sockets (13:33)
Receiving desired amount of data (19:42)
Introduction to threading part 1 (27:56)
Introduction to the threading part 2 (22:27)
Theory behind threaded server (15:12)
E-mails, PDFs, Images
Sending emails using smtplib (31:31)
PDF files (10:59)
Images in Python 3 (16:06)
Dictionary comprehension part 1
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