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Xcode Fundamentals: How to design a user experience in Cocoa
Introduction to the course (0:45)
What you need for this course. (0:39)
Downloading Xcode (2:48)
Opening a new project in Xcode (3:18)
Opening a new project in Xcode (3:32)
6. Information and Xcode (1:41)
7. Testing your software (2:16)
8. Adding something to your app and testing it (2:56)
9. Changing the items on the screen (2:32)
10. Saving your project (1:16)
11. A small divergent thinking design exercise (2:58)
12. Introduction to metaphors in computer design (2:30)
13. Changing where your application loads (1:10)
14. Making your application not resizeable (1:18)
15. Adding an image to your application (1:48)
16. Changing your image to PNG and about image sizes (1:13)
17. Finishing off the app (2:01)
18. Introduction to Xcode and User Experience (0:34)
19. The basics of user experience (5:08)
20. The help button (0:58)
21. UX in OSX applications (3:00)
22. Time spent in OSX applications (2:29)
23. Intuitive design (5:15)
24. Organic design (2:16)
25. Metaphors and designs (2:20)
26. Users and control (1:34)
27. The OSX experience (1:46)
28. Design is everywhere (2:41)
29. Minimalism (2:30)
30. Designing apps (2:12)
30a. Development conundrum (1:17)
31. Designing for your users (2:45)
32. Constantly edit your features (1:17)
33. Project scope (2:04)
34. Standard UI versus re-design (1:27)
35. Productivity versus design (2:14)
36. Custom UIS (1:54)
37. Three phases of development (1:22)
38. Prototyping phase (1:46)
39. Prototyping continued (1:42)
40. Planning for development (1:55)
41. Development (2:42)
42. Development continued (2:15)
43. Pros and cons of DYI development (2:12)
44. Pros and cons of outsourced development (2:11)
45. Personal statement about production (1:51)
46. Before the testing and quality phase (1:18)
47. Development condrum (1:33)
48. Quality phase (0:53)
49. Releasing your app (1:47)
50. Conclusion to this part of the course (0:32)
51. Starting a new project and talking about coding (1:55)
52. .h and .m files (3:49)
53. Commenting (1:50)
54. Adding in some code and talking about objective c (3:55)
55. How a computer copiles (1:57)
56. Adding in the code to the .m file (2:50)
57. Adding the label to the .h (1:11)
57. Adding the label to the .h (0:59)
58. Adding the label to the .m file (1:41)
59. Hooking up the XIB file (2:27)
60. Running the project and talking about code (1:50)
61. Playing around with some design (2:36)
62. Adding in another label (2:08)
63. Start exercising your brain (0:54)
64. Xcode interface part 1 (4:37)
65. Xcode Interface part 2 (1:18)
66. Xcode interface part 3 file structure (2:41)
67. Xcode interface part 4 (2:41)
68. Xcode interface part 5 (1:10)
69. Xcode interface part 6 (1:43)
70. Attribute inspector (1:47)
71. Size inspector (2:22)
72. Connection inspector (1:13)
73. Bidings inspector (0:45)
74. Effect inspector (2:54)
75. Object library (2:22)
76. Placeholders (1:43)
77. The last remaining icons (1:10)
78. End of this part of the course and talking about rapid prototyping (0:46)
79. Rapid prototyping (2:45)
80. Why is rapid prototyping (3:05)
81. Divergent thinking (3:46)
82. Divergent thinking part 2 (2:15)
83. How to be a divergent thinker (1:44)
84. Eureka moments (2:04)
85. The joy of creating (1:17)
86. Rapid prototyping with Xcode (1:21)
87. Buttons prototpying (6:13)
88. Adding in another XIB file (1:37)
89. How to load other XIB files (2:15)
90. Playing around with buttons sizes (4:38)
91. Playing around with an odd number of buttons (1:55)
92. Adding in an image to the gradient button (2:20)
93. Talking about batch processing and how to make custom buttons for your app (1:53)
94. Changing the image position (3:38)
95. Changing the front and talking about a bug (2:41)
96. Changing the font color (1:12)
97. Control features in gradient positions (2:05)
98. Button properties (2:37)
99. Disclosure trainagle (1:59)
101. Wrapping up on different kinds of buttons (1:56)
102. Rapid prototyping with buttons (2:04)
103. Multi line labels (3:00)
104. Adding the code for a multi line label (1:11)
105. Adding the app delegate to a nwe XIB file (1:18)
106. Adding in a custom class and object (3:26)
107. The benefits of separating the code (3:07)
108. Text Fields (1:25)
109. Setting up the text fields in code (1:48)
110. Currency
111. Number formatters and lenient (1:49)
112. Formatting percentages (2:58)
113. Talking about more number formats (1:33)
114. Adding (1:07)
115. Rapid prototyping a small app (3:08)
116. Adding in some button functionality. (1:54)
117. Explaining declaring variables and float variables (2:04)
118. Int variables (1:35)
119. Scope and variables (2:42)
120. Making calculations in Xcode (1:17)
121. Adding in another textbox (3:23)
122. Adding in other equations (1:42)
123. Adding in a percentage calculator and rapid prototyping (3:14)
124. Changing floats to ints and vice versa (2:25)
125. Making a simple interest calculator (5:56)
126. Making the connections and talking about different ways of achieving the sa (2:49)
127. Adding in an equation part 1 (1:34)
128. Adding in the NS string (2:21)
129. Changing the floats to ints (3:04)
130. Making the equation look better (2:55)
131. Adjusting some variables (2:05)
132. Fixing the final problems (1:52)
133. Changing the font and rapid protoyping (2:51)
134. Font selection and rapid prototyping (1:17)
135. Secure textfield (2:04)
136. Adding in the object (1:14)
137. Adding in the NSSecure text (1:51)
138. Hooking up the button (1:34)
139. Adding in an if statement and NSString variables! (3:37)
140. If statements (2:14)
141. Adding in a secret to the program (2:33)
142. Tolken field (1:39)
143. The search bar (1:17)
144. Combo boxes (1:17)
145. Adding items to a combo box (1:48)
146. More features with the combo box (1:42)
147. Adding a combo box to code (1:51)
148. Taling about loops and adding in the button (2:17)
149. Adding in the code (2:59)
150. Adding in a date picker (1:25)
151. Date picker options (2:23)
152. Setting up the buttons (2:38)
153. Adding in the final code to the NSDate picker (2:22)
154. Text view (1:59)
155. Adding in an NSText view to the .h file (1:11)
156. Making the button add text to the text view (2:48)
157. Checkbox (2:28)
158. Adding in an IBAction to the checkbox (4:09)
159. Disconnecting the IBAction and setting up the IBOutlet (1:56)
160. Cleaning the project (1:07)
161. NSButton (2:07)
162. Adding in a popup button (1:34)
163. Segmented control (2:53)
164. Radio Buttons (3:45)
165. Adding an image well (1:18)
166. Color well (1:17)
168. Level indicator (1:18)
169. Path Control (2:05)
170. Vertical and horizontal sliders (1:27)
171. Circular sliders (1:21)
172. Form (1:14)
174. Progress indicators (1:23)
175. Date formatter (1:05)
176. Other formatters (1:33)
177. Table view (3:17)
178. Outline view (1:48)
179. Browser view (1:17)
180. Adding in the collection view (1:12)
181. Predicate editor (1:15)
182. Predicate editor (0:26)
183. OpenGL view (1:19)
184. Cells (1:05)
185. Custom views (0:57)
186. Adding in split views (1:18)
187. Adding in a scroll view (1:17)
188. Tab view (1:11)
189. Box and vertical and horizontal lines (0:49)
190. Object Controllers (3:04)
191. Adding in other window (0:47)
192. Adding in an auxillary panel (1:20)
193. Texture windows and window properties (2:08)
194. HUD window (0:45)
195. Changing the toolbar (0:26)
196. Toolbar (1:18)
197. Adding the items to the toolbar (1:16)
198. Adding in objects from the object libary (1:00)
199. Changing the properties of the toolbar buttons (1:20)
200. Copying the menu over to the XIB file you want (1:38)
201. Adding in a menu item (0:54)
203. Adding in sub menu items and more items (0:52)
204. Adding in separators (0:35)
205. Adding in pre-made menus and enter full screen. (1:42)
206. Adding in hotkeys (1:34)
207. Address book people picker view (1:08)
208. Automators (0:35)
209. Scanner material (1:16)
210. Camera view (2:25)
211. Device browser view (0:44)
212. Image kits views (1:15)
213. PDF view (1:37)
214. Quicktime (1:06)
215. Scene view (1:12)
216. Webview and HTML 5 (2:38)
Conclusion (2:06)
205. Adding in pre-made menus and enter full screen.
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