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Xcode Fundamentals - Designing a User Experience for iOS7
Introduction to the Course
Introduction (1:22)
Course requirements (2:48)
3. Downloading Xcode (1:12)
4. Opening a new project (4:33)
5. Testing a new project (3:57)
6. Opening for other devices (1:39)
7. Different views in Xcode (2:32)
8. Project View (2:47)
9 Project iearchy (5:40)
10 App Delegate (3:44)
11. iPhone Storyboards and resolutions (1:31)
12. Adding in an object (2:53)
13. Change the text of an object (0:48)
Adding in Objects
18. Adding in a button Action (2:46)
15. Copying the iPhone to the iPad (4:27)
16. Setting up the code in the .h File (3:56)
17. Attaching the code to the UI (2:39)
18. Adding in a button Action (3:27)
19. IBoutlet versus IBAction (2:15)
20. Adding to our concepts (3:57)
21. Adding in the functionality to the iPad (3:14)
Introduction to User Experience
22. Introduction to User experience for iOS devices (2:36)
23. UX in mobile devices (3:35)
24. Differences from Websites (4:33)
25. Organic design (1:28)
26. Metaphors and design (3:40)
27. Users and control (3:28)
28. The mobile experience (1:22)
29. Minimalism (1:35)
30. Design Apps (2:36)
31. Designing for your users (2:36)
32. Constantly edit your features (1:02)
33. Taking content from a website
34. Standard UI design
35. Productivity versus design
36. Custom UIs
37. Three phases of Development (1:23)
38. Prototyping Phase (2:49)
39. Planning for development (1:52)
40 (2:08)
41. Development conundrum (2:30)
42. Quality phase (0:55)
43. Get ready to release (1:57)
Making a Tabbed Application
44. Making a tabbed application (1:04)
45 The main storyboard (1:39)
46. Adding in another tab (3:00)
47. Changing the tab bar item (2:00)
48. The document outline (2:52)
49. Changing the views (5:58)
50. Adding in the background colors (3:18)
51. Changing the font (3:31)
52 making the textbox show the text (0:37)
53 talking about aesthetics (7:04)
54. Adding in a picture (4:39)
55. Project, make an app for a company (0:57)
56. Starting a blank application (2:19)
57. Referencing the view controller. (3:34)
58. Adding in another view controller (3:18)
Making a Small App
59. Making a small app (2:31)
60. Adding in another screen (2:29)
61. Screen flow best practices (4:08)
62. Setting up prototyping storyboards (2:46)
Rapid Prototyping
63. Introduction to rapid prototyping (0:44)
64. What is rapid prototyping (1:29)
65. Production thought process (1:44)
66. Divergent thinking (4:43)
66a. Why is rapid prototyping important (3:16)
67. Divergent thinking and rapid prototyping (2:30)
68. How to be a divergent thinking (2:33)
69. Eureka (1:50)
70. The joy of creating (1:36)
Rapid Prototyping in Xcode
71. Rapid prototyping in Xcode (2:29)
72. Rapid prototyping buttons (2:40)
73. Prototyping the button size (2:06)
74. Prototyping button width and height (5:02)
75. Prototyping with colors (3:43)
Starting a New Project
76. Starting a new project (2:19)
77. Starting a new project (3:48)
78. Learning the objects in Xcode (1:41)
79. Label settings (4:43)
80. More label properties (3:48)
81. Adding a UILabel to the Label (2:36)
82. Adding in the .m file (2:23)
83. Adding in the more properties (3:40)
84. More object properties (1:19)
85. Button Properties (3:56)
86. Adding the button code (2:06)
87. Segmented control (2:58)
88. Adding in segmented control (2:58)
89. Adding in the segmented control code (3:48)
90. Adding in other segmented controls (1:47)
91. Else if statements (2:06)
92. A simple time saving trick (2:28)
93. Adding in more features without learning new code (5:26)
94. The text field (6:01)
95. Changing the label with the text (1:21)
96. Making the keyboard (3:25)
97. Numbers in text fields (2:20)
98. Changing the string and int and printing it to the label (4:29)
99. Changing into to a float (1:41)
100. Rounding to 2 decimal places (0:40)
Making a Calculator
101. Making a small calculator (8:31)
102. Running the app and styling (3:24)
103. Designing the app (2:42)
104. Assignment Build 10 applications (1:18)
105. Adding in a slider (3:35)
106. Adding in the slider code (2:37)
107. Adding in a switch (1:05)
108. Adding in the switch code (5:11)
109. Activity indicator view (3:13)
110. The progress bar (2:00)
111. Adding in the stepper (3:12)
112. Adding in the stepper code (4:08)
113. Finalizing the stepper (0:43)
113 adding in a table (4:37)
114. Formatting the cells (2:33)
115. Adding in an image (5:11)
116. Adding in text (3:26)
106 Finishing the slider (2:11)
Objective C Programming Tutorials
117. Objective C programming tutorial (2:03)
118. Adding in comments (2:38)
119. White Spaces (1:28)
120. The include statement (2:00)
121. int main (1:55)
122. Adding a variable (1:52)
123. Initializing a variable (1:24)
124. Printing a variable to the screen (1:23)
125. Adding in more than one variable (1:24)
126. Adding in float variables (1:13)
127. Converting a float to an int (1:18)
128. If statements (1:55)
129. Else statements (1:20)
130. Else if statements (2:22)
131. The And oporator (3:57)
132. The or oporator (1:24)
133. Adding in or and and and oporators (1:45)
134. Other conditions (2:11)
135. Static versus dynamic programming languages (1:49)
Learning About the Features of X Code
136. The difference between objects and variables (1:15)
137. UI Web View (4:17)
138. WebView Properties (2:10)
139. Adding a website to UIWebView (5:29)
140. Adding in the code to a button (3:03)
141. Adding in more buttons (2:45)
142. Pros and cos for using UIWebView (2:44)
143. Adding in HTML text to the UIWebView (4:11)
144. Adding in other screens (2:56)
146. Adding in the code for the websites (1:21)
147. Adding in a UIScrollView (1:13)
148. Adding in the scroll code (1:27)
149. Date and time picker (2:21)
150. UIPicker (0:50)
151. Iad (1:14)
152. Adding in GLKitView (1:15)
152. Gesture reconizers (1:33)
153. Adding in a menu title (3:08)
154. Adding in a navigation item (0:37)
155. Adding in a bottom toolbar (1:06)
156. Adding in menu bar items to the top (1:32)
157. Adding in other buttons (2:01)
158. The tab bar item (0:55)
159. The general tab (3:46)
160. The capabilities tab (4:45)
161. Info tab (1:52)
162. Build settings (3:08)
163. App settings (3:12)
164. Int main and info.plst (1:09)
165. Adding in other view controllers (1:25)
166. Master detail app (2:00)
167. Master detail application (2:28)
168. Page based application (1:35)
169. More about the page controller (1:14)
170. Spritekit (3:35)
148. Adding in more scroll (1:37)
Uploading to the App Store
171. Apple developer program (1:48)
107. Adding in a switch
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