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Design and Develop Advanced Computer Games with Stencyl
Welcome to the Course (11:48)
The Structure of the Lectures (4:50)
Overview of Software & Tools (13:46)
What's New in Stencyl 3.x and Beyond? (14:58)
What's New in Stencyl 3.x pt 2 (11:51)
Marketing & Monetisation
Monetisation Strategies & Methods (18:44)
Game Marketing: What, Why & How (15:48)
Game Marketing p2 (13:48)
Licenses & Pricing Options (3:39)
Marketing & Monetisation Core Concepts
An In-depth Look at Stencyl
Looking At Stencyl - Part 1 (19:43)
Looking At Stencyl - Part 2 (18:05)
A Look At the Stencyl Tool Pt 3 (13:08)
Game Design Theory - An Overview
What is Play? (13:04)
What is a Game? (16:03)
Theory Review
Building the Bones of the Game - Let's Get Practical!
Game Data Folder (5:14)
The Game Concept - Mudslide Cowboy (13:50)
UPDATE: Background System Changed as of Stencyl 3.2 (2:13)
Setting Up the Game Project (10:25)
Setting up the Game Project Pt. 2 (13:17)
Setting Up the Game Project Pt. 3 (18:37)
Setting up the Game Project Pt. 4 (18:18)
More Actors - Simple & Complex Pt. 1 (11:12)
More Actors Pt. 2 (13:00)
Populating the Level (19:09)
Making the Balloon Move 1 (4:35)
Making the Balloon Move 2 (14:39)
Programming Core Functionality & Mechanics
The Player Handler - Handling User Interactions Pt. 1 (21:03)
Player Handler Pt. 2 (20:51)
Adding the Adaptive Cursor (18:10)
State Management & Movement Controls Pt. 1 (20:06)
Movement Controls Pt. 2 (19:44)
Movement Controls Pt. 3 (16:25)
Refining the Controls (7:06)
An Object Lesson in Software Development - Build Bugs (1:52)
Cursor Handler - Sharing Attributes Between Actors (12:36)
Cursor Handler Pt. 2 (12:28)
Debugging - The Cursor Handler (8:17)
Debugging - The Player Handler (4:36)
Crafting the Aesthetic Experience: Various Experiential Embellishments
Refining Obstacle Interactions (5:49)
Exercise: Create a More Elaborate Camera Follow Behaviour (1:34)
More Elaborate Camera Follow: Solution (14:04)
Handling Collisions Properly: Configuring and Using Collision Groups (5:45)
Reaction to Collision Events: Destroying Obstacles (10:40)
Reaction to Collision Events: Adding Some Eye Candy (23:10)
Eye Candy: Dust Behind Player Avatar (4:22)
Exercise: Finish Player Eye Candy (1:09)
Solution: Finish Player Eye Candy (5:44)
Directional Click Handling Fix (4:48)
Collecting Coins 1 (10:43)
Collecting Coins 2 (17:02)
Animating HUD Elements (7:24)
Finishing Touches
Using Fonts and Tracking Score (17:18)
Adding Main Menu & Buttons (8:43)
Level Selection Screens (21:17)
Movement Controls Pt. 3
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