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Building Apps Using Amazon's Alexa and Lex
You, This Course and Us (2:40)
Source Code and PDFs
Alexa Basics: Eco-system and Skill Concepts
Skill Concepts: Invocations, Utterances and Intents (8:43)
Tools and Platforms: AWS, Amazon Developer Console and (8:17)
Types Of Skills (6:02)
Introducing Alexa (1:59)
Evolution Of Human Computer Interaction And Voice Interfaces (7:34)
Prereqs And Course Overview (2:53)
Alexa, Echo And AWS (5:57)
Build a Basic Alexa Skill
Overview Of The Stock Market Tracker (4:27)
Utterance-Intent Mapping (4:45)
Financial Data From AlphaVantage (3:20)
Setup And Configure An Alexa Skill (8:10)
AWS Lambdas (6:07)
Link the Alexa Skill with the Lambda Function (8:15)
Set up and Test Lambda Code (7:59)
Code And Test the Launch Request (5:07)
Code And Test the Intent Request (4:53)
Handle Help And Stop Intents (5:03)
Test Using (1:41)
Multi-turn Dialogs for Rich Conversation
Slots As Request Configuration Parameters (6:23)
Slots, Prompts And Utterances (8:09)
Financial Data From Intrinio (2:28)
What Exactly are Slots? (5:06)
Configure the Dialog Model (8:42)
Handle Start, End and Launch Requests (7:00)
Handle the GetStockInfo Intent (9:50)
Handle Help, Stop and Cancel Intents (1:18)
Testing With (1:53)
Persist State Across Sessions
Remember Data Across Sessions (5:47)
Create A Dynamo DB Table (2:06)
Configure Full Access To Dynamo DB from Lambda (7:34)
Handle Start, End and Launch Requests (1:50)
Handle Add, Remove And List Stock Intents (8:03)
Test Using (1:12)
Build a Flash Briefing Skill
Understanding Flash Briefing Skills (6:20)
Set Up A Twitter RSS Feed (3:07)
Set Up A Flash Briefing Skill (4:19)
Introducing Lex
Course Outline (8:01)
Signing in to AWS (6:10)
Sample Bots (4:39)
CustomBots_and_IAM (8:07)
Complete Creating Your First Bot (4:53)
Interaction Models in Amazon Lex
ModuleOutline (5:23)
CreatingIntents (5:02)
SlotTypes (8:04)
Slots (9:50)
Slot Properties (6:04)
Sample Utterances (7:03)
Confirmations (8:17)
ConfiguringTheBot (4:39)
Test:OrderCoke (6:21)
Test:Order Pizza (Fail) (6:31)
Test:OrderPizza (success) (7:40)
Cleaning Up Resources (6:22)
Fulfilment Models in Amazon Lex
Module Outline (5:49)
Weather Bot (4:39)
Built In Slot Types (7:17)
Setting Up Weather Bot (3:43)
Lambda Intro (7:08)
Lambda Blueprint (6:21)
Code Big Picture (3:42)
Lambda Handler (6:18)
Constructing Response (6:26)
Configuring an AWS Lambda (5:42)
Lex Lambda Configuration (4:25)
Open Weather API (6:09)
Invoking Open Weather API (9:20)
Importing External Libraries To AWS LAmbda (7:57)
Versions,Aliases And Publishing (9:24)
Third-party Apps: Chatbots in Slack
Module Outline (4:16)
Creating Slack Application (8:59)
Activating Lex ntegration (6:12)
Configuring Stack App (8:09)
Testing Slack Bot (3:21)
Testing With
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