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Building E-Commerce Applications with Express
Why Build an E-Commerce Application? (2:18)
Can’t I Just Use PayPal? / The Advantages of Our Own Solution (6:08)
E-Commerce Application Workflow (2:17)
A Look at the Final Application (4:02)
Scaffolding a Development Environment
Introduction (2:04)
Scaffolding a Production Environment / Getting to “Hello World” with Express (11:18)
Connecting to a Database (16:11)
Creating a Client
Understanding the Client (1:16)
Scaffolding a Client Application with React and Webpack (14:40)
Adding Routes (9:40)
Creating the Order Page (10:13)
Implementing Redux (24:02)
Building Up Application Functionality
Calculating Price (24:09)
Creating a Cart for the Client (20:08)
Adding a Checkout Route - Creating a React Route (14:20)
Adding a Checkout Route - Connecting the Client to The Server (8:38)
Completing the Transaction
Validating User Info (28:32)
Completing the Transaction (12:26)
Sending a Notification Email (24:06)
Completing the Transaction
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