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Comprehensive Ruby on Rails
Introduction to the course
Course Overview (1:30)
Application setup and source version control
Creating a New Rails Application (16:48)
Creating a Git Repository for a Ruby on Rails Application (8:35)
Deploying to the web
Deploying a Ruby on Rails Application to Heroku (14:00)
Markdown Syntax Tutorial (11:08)
How to Remove a File from a Git Repository (2:30)
Integrating design functionalities
Integrating a Navigation Bar into a Ruby on Rails Application (9:25)
Making the Navigation Bar Functional (17:59)
Creating a Git Branch (10:30)
Installing Bootstrap into a Rails Application (16:24)
Customizing HTML Tables in Your Rails Application (7:59)
Strftime Data Formatting (4:12)
How to Remove a File from Git (2:19)
Integrating a Date Range Search Field (23:31)
How to Install and Configure Devise for User Authentication (25:35)
Fixing a Devise Bug on Nitrious (2:11)
Setting Up Automated Rules for Signed In/Signed Out Statuses (6:11)
Integrating Alert Messages (7:19)
How to Build a CSV Uploader into Your Rails Application (17:05)
Create a CSV Downloader (8:53)
Form Customization (7:23)
Integrating a Dropdown Element into a Rails Form (13:15)
Integrating a Collection Select Form Element (19:46)
Introduction to the Rails Console (10:41)
Advanced Rails Console Techniques (16:00)
Fixing a NoMethodError (2:37)
Creating a Dropdown Navigation Element (11:08)
Using a Scaffold Generator (4:15)
Using the Rails Console to Add Items to the Database (6:01)
Setting Up Nested Relationships in Rails (15:42)
Adding Items to Nested Attributes (11:38)
Deleting Nested Attributes (12:32)
Adding Columns to a Database Table (4:03)
Utilizing Strong Parameters (6:38)
Performing Calculations in Rails (8:46)
Recap of Comprehensive Rails Series (6:23)
Common Bug Fixes for Rails Applications
Quiet the Rails Logs (2:24)
Fixing Glyphicon Bug in Heroku (4:06)
Installing Bootstrap into a Rails Application
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