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How To Sell On Craigslist: How I Made $6K To Fund My Passion
Hello, I’m Jewel! Please START HERE and Follow the Course in Order
What have I sold on Craigslist and how much I’ve made (10:17)
What you will get from this course (6:21)
Who am I? The story that inspired others to sell on Craigslist (8:16)
How to make the best use of this course (5:47)
Important Stuff Before We Get Started
Two golden secrets to selling on Craigslist again and again and again… (6:05)
Why sell on Craigslist (3:56)
LET’S GET STARTED! 4 Preliminary Steps to Selling on Craigslist
STEP 1: The Round Up – How do you know what to sell? (5:20)
STEP 2: The Clean Up – Prepping your items to be listed (4:08)
STEP 3: The Photoshoot – Do NOT skip this video! (11:39)
STEP 4: The Master List – How to track the sale of your items (4:27)
Live example / summary of the 4 step process (4:54)
LET’S GET LISTING! How to Create a Craigslist Ad That SELLS
Overview: Posting a Craigslist ad (2:47)
Choosing your location and category (5:51)
How to write an ad description that SELLS (15:13)
Creating an attention grabbing title for your ad (7:10)
How to price your item (9:10)
What to write for posting details (2:59)
Tips for uploading images and publishing your ad (5:21)
Dealing With Interested Potential Buyers
The 4 types of Craigslist buyers and how to deal with each (10:37)
Communication tips for making the sale (5:19)
How to stay safe while making the deal (7:00)
HOORAY – You’ve made the sale! … Now what? (5:19)
BONUS Material and Troubleshooting
At what point do you need to repost the ad? (6:40)
What if your item doesn’t sell on Craigslist even after reposting? (7:09)
Selling seasonal items on Craigslist (6:02)
This is how you never run out of stuff to sell (8:58)
More ninja strategies for the addicted Craigslist seller (15:04)
Watch Me Make LIVE Craigslist Deals
LIVE Craigslist Deal #1 (7:01)
LIVE Craigslist Deal #2 (3:26)
Craigslist Income Reports
Example of Income Report #2 (7:01)
Example of Income Report #1 (14:37)
Communication tips for making the sale
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