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Learn Android Studio in 2 hours
Course Introduction
What is Android Studio ? (2:59)
Installing Java JDK on Windows (7:43)
Installing Java JDK on Mac OS X (3:47)
Downloading and installing Android Studio (3:54)
Updating Android Studio (3:34)
Installing Additional Components (5:36)
Android Studio IDE
Creating and Running your first App (6:29)
Navigating the Project Panel (2:34)
Customizing the User Interface (2:54)
Working with emulators and real devices (6:13)
Importing Non-Android Studio projects (4:09)
Menus and toolbars (3:16)
Searching for files and content (3:49)
Other Android Studio tools and Windows (4:19)
Playing with Windows (1:19)
Gradle build process and dependecies (8:16)
Installing Git on Windows (3:14)
Create a GitHub account and repository (3:10)
Pushing the project on GitHub (3:40)
Restoring a project from GitHub (3:20)
Creating and refactoring new classes and packages (11:48)
Debugging the application (7:20)
Building the release version of your App (4:40)
Where to go from here? (1:34)
Installing Git on Windows
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