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Napoleon Hill's 13 Keys To Success (Think And Grow Rich)
Napoleon Hill course introduction and welcome
Napoleon Hill course introduction and welcome (1:41)
Hill's 13 principles & actionable steps you can take to get started on them
Principle 1: Wanting it bad enough (1:17)
Putting principle 1 to action (8:04)
Principle 2: Visualize and believe that you can achieve it (1:14)
Principle 2: Actionable tips
Principle 3: Affirmations and reinforcement of your goals (0:55)
Principle 3: practical things to do
Principle 4: Gain specialized skills and knowledge (2:20)
Principle 4: Actionable tips (3:35)
Principle 5: Imagination and & Focus on getting new ideas (1:44)
Principle 5: Actionable tips (3:36)
Principle 6: Organized planning (1:06)
Principle 6: Actionable tips (3:53)
Principle 7: Become a good decision maker and overcome procastination (1:10)
Principle 7: Actionable tips (5:33)
Principle 8: Persistence until not stopping until you get what you want (1:49)
Principle 8: Actionable tips to become more persistent (5:19)
Principle 9: Masterminds and surrounding yourself with great people (1:28)
Principle 9 in action (2:40)
Principle 10: Choosing a compatible romantic partner (2:27)
Principle 11: Mastering your subconscious by getting rid of negativity (1:37)
Principle 11 actionable steps (4:37)
Principle 12: Associate other smart people and learn from them (2:07)
Principle 13: Developing your 6th sense (2:31)
Another strong factor in determining success
The Marshmallow test- Stanford study of the best predictor of future success (6:28)
Principle 6: Actionable tips
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