GROW Coaching Model
GROW Coaching Model is a great tool for coaching your clients! With GROW Model you can easily set up action plan for achieving goals and solving problems as for your clients as for yourself!
G - Goal: Ask your client what they want to achieve. ‘Goal’ is about their final outcome. Ask them to describe it: how it looks, feels, smells, and tastes. Investigate: how will your client know when they achieved their goal.
R - Reality: Ask the client to describe their current reality. What challenges they perceive on a way towards their goal. How far they are from their desired outcome right now. Ask them what they tried so far and why they failed. What could potentially stop them now?
O - Options: Investigate with the client what options they might have. Ask them to imagine having as much time as they need for achieving their goals: what other options become apparent. Cover all options but encourage making choices.
W - Way Forward: Create an action plan with your client. Devise the steps and time frames for achieving every step. Give your client a homework that has to be done by the next session!
Remember: When using the GROW model, see it as a ‘story’ that has a beginning, the middle, and the ending. Inspire the client to look at their goals from different ‘benefit’ points and come up with as many options as they can think of for dealing with the obstacles.