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Python Graphics Programming and Game Development
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction (0:46)
Lecture 2: Download and Install Python IDLE
Lecture 3: Turtle Graphics Overview (2:06)
Section 2: Turtle Graphics API
Lecture 4: Section 2 Introduction (1:12)
Lecture 5: Import turtle (1:15)
Lecture 6: turtle.Turtle() and turtle.Screen() (1:45)
Lecture 7: up() and down() (2:03)
Lecture 8: forward() and backward() (1:18)
Lecture 9: left() and right() (0:44)
Lecture 10: setheading() and seth() (1:02)
Lecture 11: home() and goto() (1:21)
Lecture 12: showturtle() and hideturtle() (1:30)
Lecture 13: clearscreen() and bye() (0:56)
Lecture 14: pensize() and pencolor() (1:23)
Lecture 15: xcor() and ycor() (1:01)
Lecture 16: onkey() and listen() (1:10)
Lecture 17: onclick() and onscreenclick() (1:37)
Lecture 18: begin_fill() and end_fill() (0:44)
Lecture 19: Section 2 Summary (1:25)
Section 3: Developing a Graphics Creation Program
Lecture 20: Section 3 Introduction (0:52)
Lecture 21: Defining Our Variables (0:49)
Lecture 22: Create the Toolbar (1:55)
Lecture 23: Create the Color Palette (3:41)
Lecture 24: Create the Pen Width Palette (2:16)
Lecture 25: Add Functionality to the Color Palette (1:23)
Lecture 26: Add Functionality to the Width Palette (0:59)
Lecture 27: Let User Draw to Screen (2:55)
Lecture 28: Let User Pick Pen Up (1:11)
Lecture 29: Putting it All Together (0:48)
Lecture 30: Section 3 Summary (0:45)
Section 4: Game Development using Python
Lecture 31: Section 4 Introduction (1:09)
Lecture 32: Defining Our Variables (2:43)
Lecture 33: Creating the Background (2:44)
Lecture 34: Player and Lives (6:07)
Lecture 35: Player Movement (2:43)
Lecture 36: Enemy Spawning (2:10)
Lecture 37: Initializing Play Game (0:57)
Lecture 38: Player Shooting (2:59)
Lecture 39: Destroy Enemy (2:26)
Lecture 40: Enemy Shooting (1:27)
Lecture 41: Destroy Player (1:37)
Lecture 42: Game Over Condition (2:19)
Lecture 43: You Win Condition (0:55)
Lecture 44: Quit Game (0:46)
Lecture 45: Putting It All Together (1:22)
Lecture 46: Section 4 Summary (0:48)
Section 5: Course Summary
Lecture 47: Course Summary (0:39)
Turtle Graphics Quiz
Lecture 16: onkey() and listen()
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