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Python Hacking for Cyber Security from Basic Scripts to Coding Custom Tools
Introduction to Python for Ethical Hacking!
Welcome to Python For Ethical Hacking! (5:16)
VirtualBox 6.0.4 Installation (11:41)
Kali Linux 2019.1a Installation (17:07)
Guest Additions Installation (15:08)
Python In Kali Terminal (13:33)
Port and Vulnerability Scanning
Making Simple Portscanner (15:33)
Adding Raw_input To Our Portscanner (9:24)
Scanning First 1000 Ports (4:47)
Coding Advance Portscanner Part 1 (13:13)
Coding Advance Portscanner Part 2 (8:51)
Configuring IP Address And Installing Metasploitable (8:14)
Finishing And Testing Advance Portscanner (9:00)
Returning Banner From Open Port (14:46)
Coding Vulnerability Scanner Part 1 (11:57)
Coding Vulnerability Scanner Part 2 (7:21)
SSH & FTP attacks
Automating SSH Login Part 1 (9:55)
Automating SSH Login Part 2 (9:21)
Testing SSH Login Program (8:37)
Coding SSH Bruteforcer (10:38)
Executing Command On Target After Bruteforcing SSH (10:11)
Anonymus FTP Login Attack (9:55)
Username & Passwordlist Attack on FTP (17:32)
Password cracking
SHA256, SHA512, MD5 ... (8:37)
Cracking SHA1 Hash With Online Dictionary (16:41)
Getting Password From MD5 Hash (13:26)
Cracking Crypt Password With Salt (24:02)
Sniffers, flooders, and spoofers
Coding MAC Changer (17:00)
Theory Behind ARP Spoofing (4:43)
Crafting Malicious ARP Packet (19:28)
Coding ARP Spoofer (13:33)
Forwarding Packets And Restoring ARP Tables (8:07)
Spoofing Our IP Address And Sending Message With TCP Payload (12:02)
Running SynFlooder With Changed Source IP Address (11:22)
Getting Source And Destination MAC Address From Received Packets (24:46)
Sniffing FTP Username And Password Part1 (8:12)
Changing MAC Address Manualy (8:35)
Sniffing FTP Username And Password Part2 (12:12)
Getting Passwords From HTTP Websites (14:04)
Coding DNS spoofer
Cloning Any Webpage (10:37)
video40 - (Coding Dnsspoofer - Printing DNS Queries) (10:01)
video41 - (Coding Dnsspoofer - Redirecting Response To Cloned Page) (16:48)
video42 - (Coding Dnsspoofer - Setting IP Table Rules and Running DnsSpoofer) (10:40)
Network analysis
video44 - (Network Analysis - Analyzing IP Header Part 1) (10:27)
video43 - (Network Analysis - Analyzing Ethernet Header) (16:10)
video45 - (Network Analysis - Analyzing IP Header Part 2) (25:35)
video46 - (Network Analysis - Analyzing TCP Header) (15:15)
video47 - (Network Analysis - Analyzing UDP Header) (13:21)
Multi functioning reverse shell
video48 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Theory Behind Socket Programming) (7:20)
video49 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Wine & Pyinstaller Installation) (7:45)
video50 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Setting Up Listener) (8:19)
video51 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Establishing Connection Between Target and Server) (6:32)
video52 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Implementing Send & Recv Functions) (11:30)
video53 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Executing Commands on Target System) (11:44)
video54 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Importing JSON Library To Parse Data) (8:21)
video55 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Converting Python Backdoor To .exe) (8:15)
video56 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Using OS Library To Change DIrectory) (10:00)
video57 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Downloading & Uploading Files To Target PC) (19:07)
video58 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Hiding Our Backdoor And Creating Persistence) (13:50)
video59 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Trying to Connect To Server Every 20 Seconds) (7:55)
video60 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Downloading Files To Target PC) (11:51)
video61 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Capturing Screenshot On Target PC) (23:08)
video62 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Administrator Privilege Check) (8:15)
video63 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Starting Other Programs WIth Our Shell) (10:47)
video64 - (Multi Functioning Reverse Shell - Running Our Shell As An Image, Audio, Pdf ...) (20:09)
Coding keylogger
video65 - (Coding Keylogger - Installing Pynput) (6:21)
video66 - (Coding Keylogger - Printing Space Character) (8:50)
video67 - (Coding Keylogger - Calling Timer On Our Keylogger) (9:58)
video68 - (Coding Keylogger - Adding Keylogger To Our Backdoor) (13:00)
Command and control center
video69 - (Command And Control Center - What Is A Threaded Server) (5:07)
video70 - (Command And Control Center - Accepting Connections With A Thread) (13:14)
video71 - (Command And Control Center - Managing Multiple Sessions) (8:41)
video72 - (Command And Control Center - Testing Threaded Server With Windows 10 Target) (9:05)
video73 - (Command And Control Center - Fixing Q Command) (11:14)
video74 - (Command And Control Center - Coding Exit Function) (13:53)
video75 - (Command And Control Center - Attacking Multiple targets And Gathering Botnet) (16:29)
Website penetration testing with Python
video76 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Stealing Saved Wireless Passwords) (22:00)
video77 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Saving Passwords To a File) (3:03)
video78 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Bruteforcing Gmail) (10:15)
video79 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Bruteforcing Any Login Page Part 1) (13:01)
video80 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Bruteforcing Any Login Page Part 2) (10:11)
video81 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Finding Hidden Directories Part 1) (5:12)
video82 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Finding Hidden Directories Part 2) (6:40)
video83 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Discovering Subdomains) (11:33)
video84 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Changing HTTP Headers) (14:00)
video85 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Starting Basic And Digest Authentication Bruteforcer) (10:25)
video86 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Controlling Threads) (8:37)
video87 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Coding Run Function) (10:10)
video88 - (Website Penetration Testing With Python - Printing Usage And Testing Our Program) (12:38)
Taking A Look At Ransomware (8:22)
Forwarding Packets And Restoring ARP Tables
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