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Swift TVOS Crash Course - Build a Space Shooter in SpriteKit
Building a TVOS Game with SpriteKit
01. Introduction to the game (1:31)
02. Game Preview (1:51)
03. Starting the game (5:19)
04. Setting up the player controls (5:49)
05. Setting up the enemy (5:49)
06. Spawning the stars (6:56)
07. Spawn projectile rate (4:41)
08. Setting up physics part 1 (8:58)
09. Adding in the phyics part 1 (6:54)
10. Setting up the physics part 2 (4:58)
11. Adding the isAlive (3:34)
12. Adding in the labels (5:41)
13. Resetting the game (5:05)
14. Finalizing the game (5:55)
15. Adding in color (6:10)
16. Challenge (1:06)
10. Setting up the physics part 2
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