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Ultimate JavaScript Objects
Introduction to JavaScript Objects
Introduction / Why JavaScript Objects? (2:18)
Course Roadmap (1:58)
Before Begin (2:25)
Objects Exposed
Introduction: Objects Exposed (0:49)
What is an Object? (1:36)
Objects Explained - Live Example (2:09)
What is Object-Oriented Programming? (2:13)
Chalkboard Session: OOP n' iPhones (1:45)
What can Objects Do? Can They Do Things? Let's Find Out (3:27)
When to Use Objects (1:14)
Object v Array: Dawn of JavaScript (0:55)
The Secret Life of JavaScript Objects (1:45)
Evolution of JavaScript Objects (1:36)
Conclusion (1:24)
Working With Objects
Introduction: Working with Objects (1:48)
Module Roadmap: Working with Objects (1:17)
Creating Objects (3:08)
Adding and Accessing Object Properties (4:06)
Adding Methods to Objects (2:20)
Removing Object Properties (1:55)
Iterating Through Object Properties (3:06)
Mapping Arrays of Objects (3:46)
Symbolly Amazing - Accessing Object Properties with Symbols (3:23)
Freeze & Seal (3:22)
Observing Changes with Proxies (3:36)
Prototype (3:06)
Conclusion (1:23)
Object Scope
Introduction to Object Scope (1:09)
Understanding This (3:11)
What's Up With Strict Mode? (1:05)
Binding Scope (2:56)
Object Composition (3:20)
Conclusion (1:07)
ES6 Classes
Why ES6 Classes? (1:19)
What is an ES6 Class? (1:29)
Setting up Atom for Node Development (2:55)
Creating an ES6 Class (2:52)
Class Methods and Properties (2:58)
Inheritance (4:13)
Classes: Conclusion (1:21)
Copying Objects
Intro: Copying JavaScript Objects (1:06)
Copying vs Referencing (1:24)
Copying Confusion (1:46)
Copying an Object (4:00)
Into the Deep - Copying Nested Properties Explained (2:23)
Copying Conclusion (1:07)
Introduction / What is JSON? (1:40)
Why JSON? (1:29)
JSON vs XML (2:22)
Serializing Javascript Objects (2:18)
Parsing JSON (1:33)
Transmitting JavaScript Objects with HTTP - Explained (0:54)
JSON Conclusion (1:16)
Introduction / What is Lodash? (1:59)
Why Lodash? (2:01)
Implementing Lodash in a Project (2:41)
Assigning Object Properties with Lodash (Cloning) (2:14)
Inversion (0:57)
Picking Object Values (1:22)
Merging Object Sets (2:11)
Into the Deep Pt. II: Deep Cloning With Lodash (1:40)
Conclusion (1:05)
Reviewing the Things We Learned (5:29)
Continue Your Education (3:15)
Thank You! (1:30)
Objects Explained - Live Example
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