In this course I teach the principles of one of the most groundbreaking business books ever. The book is Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" which he based on interviewing Andrew Carnegie who was the richest man in the world at the time, and other extremely successful people.
In this course I teach you the major principles of success as outlined by Napoleon Hill, and give you actionable steps you can take to begin using each of those principles in your career or business.
Personally, I have been using the principles outlined in the book, and I can say that they truly worked for me, and that is why I wanted to make this course so they can also work for you.
The theories aren't mine. The theories in this course come from some of the best business people that ever lived, and as entrepreneurs we should all pay close attention to what those entrepreneurs accomplished so that we can one day be as successful as they are.
Try this course today and start on your path to being a much stronger entrepreneur by getting the wisdom of Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie.
3-time best selling Amazon author, creator of top entrepreneur mobile apps, and host of a popular business and marketing channel on YouTube.
I am the creator of the Problemio business apps which are some of the top mobile apps for planning and starting a business with 1,000,000+ downloads across iOS, Android and Kindle.
I am also an author of three business books (marketing to reach 1,000,000 people, on starting a business, and on the mobile app business).
I am also a business coach. On my apps and in my private coaching practice I have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs. That means I can probably help you quite a bit as well.
My areas of expertise are mobile apps, software engineering, marketing (SEO and social), and entrepreneurship.
I created over 70 courses with 50,000+ students by whom I am humbled and who I try to help any way I can!