Your Program

Your Shoulder Pain Program:

How to Use This Program: Pick the lowest level exercise that you struggle with and perform that exercise until your movement becomes adequate. Perform the exercises everyday (the morning is ideal) and definitely before you exercise or perform whatever exercise places the most stress on your shoulder. 1 set of 10 repetitions should be adequate. This program will probably take you days or weeks to work through. Work up to the exercise you can't perform well, then come back to the video and watch it again and progress. If you do not know if either side is equal at any point, have a friend watch for you. If you're still having trouble, contact me.

Exercise 1 - Can Openers

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Squeeze the knee into the floor
  • CORE ACTIVATION - Squeeze the non-moving arm into the floor
  • If you do not keep your knee pinned onto the floor when you twist you will not benefit from this exercise. You are stabilizing the pelvis and lower back by activating the knee into the ground. This allows your upper torso and spine to relax and improve its flexibility when you twist
  • Turn your eyes and head as your twist (keep your eyes on your thumbnail as you twist)
  • Be sure that both sides are symmetrical and that one of the sides is not stiffer or more tough to perform than the other

Exercise 2 - Supine Flexion/Extension

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Press the opposing arm into the floor
  • Check to see if all 4 movements are comfortable to perform with full range of motion. If you cannot press down into the ground easily and securely you'll want to work on this one
  • Perform the movement by activating your opposite hand and direction into the ground then completing the troubled movement
  • Completely relax all your muscles in between each repetition. Perform 10 reps

Exercise 3 - Prone Flexion

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Press the opposing arm into the floor
  • Check to see if both movements are comfortable to perform with full range of motion. If you cannot raise up the arm with equal flexibility and ease of movement, you'll want to work on this one
  • Perform the movement by activating your opposite arm into the ground then completing the troubled movement
  • Completely relax all your muscles in between each repetition. Perform 10 reps

Exercise 4 - Supine External/Internal Rotation

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Press the opposing arm into the floor
  • Check to see if all 4 movements are comfortable to perform with full range of motion. If you cannot press down into the ground easily and securely you'll want to work on this one
  • Perform the movement by activating your opposite hand and direction into the ground then completing the troubled movement
  • Completely relax all your muscles in between each repetition. Perform 10 reps

Exercise 5 - Quadruped Reach Backs

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Squeeze the non-moving arm and fist into the ground
  • Check to see if you can point your elbow directly up at the ceiling, forming a 90 degree angle with the floor. If you can not, you'll want to work on this one
  • You might need a friend to help you evaluate this one
  • When performing, make sure your eyes and head are rotating and leading the way. Pick out a spot on the ceiling that you're attempting to look at
  • Breathe during the exercise, don't strain. Perform 10 reps

Exercise 6 - Reach, Roll and Lifts

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Squeeze the non-moving arm and fist into the ground
  • Check to see if both movements are comfortable to perform with full range of motion. If you cannot raise up the arm with equal flexibility and ease of movement, you'll want to work on this one
  • Perform the movement by activating your opposite fist into the ground then completing the troubled movement
  • Completely relax all your muscles in between each repetition. Perform 10 reps
  • Do not let the elbow bend, keep it straight at all time
  • Reach the arm as far as you can away from the body

Exercise 7 - Farmer's Carry

  • CORE ACTIVATION - Automatically occurs from the heavy weight in your hand
  • Select the heaviest dumbbell or kettle bell that you are comfortable carrying
  • Hold It for one minute while twisting your wrist as far as you can in either direction
  • Hold for one minute, switch arms
  • NOTE - this is a great long term 'warm up' for your shoulder, whether your having problems with it or not

Exercise 8 - Partial Turkish Get Up

  • While lying on your back, hold a comfortable weight over your head
  • Grip the weight as hard as your can while maintaining a neutral grip (you're going to want to extend your grip, fight that urge)
  • The back of your wrist my be uncomfortable during this exercise, you'll have to deal with that
  • Be sure to not allow yourself to hold your breath

As you complete the shoulder pain program, you'll find that one or multiple of the exercises will provide a good long term maintenance/warm up routine for yourself. It's a good idea to work your way through the entire program as a warm up before performing whatever activity stresses your shoulder. Once you complete the program, you should be able to complete it in less than 2 minutes utilizing less reps and sets than earlier in the program.

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